How many Facebook friends do people have on average?

The difference between the number of Facebook friends per person is of course huge. Some people are very fanatic and send friend requests to many people. There are also others that only befriend their real friends and family. The average number of Facebook friends for an adult is now 338. The median number of Facebook friends is 200, which means that half of the people on Facebook have more than 200 friends, and the other half have less than 200 friends. Below we have listed some interesting facts about the number of friends people have of Facebook:  

  • 39% of the adults on Facebook have between 1 and 100 friends on Facebook
  • 23% have between 101-250 friends
  • 20% between 251-500 friends
  • 15% have more than 500 friends



Who has on average more Facebook friends, men or women?

In general, women have 8% more Facebook friends than men. Women also tend to like and share more messages than men.

Who has the most Facebook friends?

It is unknown who has the most Facebook friends. We do know that singer Shakira has the most Facebook fans.

How many Facebook users are there in total?

At the moment Facebook has more than 1,3 billion users, of which 1,2 billion are monthly active, and 829 million are active daily. In the UK there are 25 million people that use Facebook daily. In Europe there are 206 million daily active users, in America and Canada 152 million, and in Asia 228 million. 

See besides average number of Facebook friends also:
Average Number of Twitter Followers