What is the average annual rainfall in London?

With a moderate sea climate, it often rains in the UK. However, London seems to be a bit of an exception since it only rains annually 557.4 mm compared to the country’s average of 1154 mm. In London it rains the most in October (61.1 mm) and the least in July (34.6 mm). These averages are based on data from the past 30 years.



How many days a year does it rain in London?

In London it rains on average 109.4 days a year. This average is quite a bit lower than the country’s average of 156.2 days a year. In London it rains most often in January (on average 11.4 days) and least often in July (on average 6.3 days).

How does the rainfall in London compare to the rainfall in other capitals?

You might not expect this, but London scores quite average in the annual rainfall compared to other cities. In cities like Amsterdam, Milan, Zurich, New York City, Miami, Dallas, Sydney, Sao Paolo and Tokyo it actually rains more than in London. 

See besides average rainfall London also: 
Average Rainfall UK
Average Temperature London