What is the average life expectancy in the UK?

The average life expectancy of a population indicates how old the population will become. Various factors influence life expectancy, creating a wide variation in average life expectancies between countries. The average life expectancy in the UK is 80.17 years old.

Is the average life expectancy increasing in the UK?

Yes, the average life expectancy in the UK has been increasing almost every year. In 1960 the average life expectancy in the UK was only 71.13 years. In 1980 it rose to 73.68 years and in 2000 the average life expectancy reached 77.74 years. By now the average life expectancy has exceeded 80 years.

What is the average life expectancy in other countries?

The UK ranks 30th for global life expectancy. Monaco is at the top of the list with an average life expectancy of 89.68 years, followed by Macau (84.43) and Japan (83.91). At the bottom of the list are Swaziland (49.42 years), South Africa (49.41 years) and Chad (48.69 years).

See besides average life expectancy UK also:
Average Life Expectancy Men
Average Life Expectany Women