What is the average temperature in Moscow?

Most people expect extreme low temperatures when thinking about Moscow. This is only partially true. The average temperature in Moscow during the winter is indeed very low. In the summer on the other hand, the temperature is actually quite pleasant, and comparable to the UK. The average temperature in Moscow in the summer is about 20 degrees Celsius, the average temperature in the winter is about -4 degrees. All in all, the yearly average temperature in Moscow is somewhere around 10 degrees.

Average temperature Moscow per month

In the overview below you can see the average temperatures in Moscow per month. 

 Month   Average temperature Moscow 
 Jan  -6 degrees
 Feb  -5 degrees
 Mar  2 degrees
 Apr  10 degrees
 May  19 degrees
 June  22 degrees
 July  23 degrees
 Aug  22 degrees
 Sept  16 degrees
 Oct  8 degrees
 Nov  2 degrees 
 Dec  -4 degrees

Highest temperature ever recorded in Moscow

The highest temperature ever recorded in Moscow was 36.8 degrees. That is 2 degrees less than the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK. 

Lowest temperature ever recorded in Moscow

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Moscow was -42.2 degrees. That is more than 38 degrees below the average winter temperature in Moscow.

See besides average temperature Moscow also:
Average Temperature Paris
Average Temperature Barcelona
Average Temperature Rome
Average Temperature New York